Our distributor for Baltic (Lithuania)

Today we present our distributor for the Baltic, ENA LT, and Vaiva Pumputytė.

Today we present our distributor for the Baltic, ENA LT , and Vaiva Pumputytė

Who are you?
My name is Vaiva Pumputytė, sales manager of the Ena LT company, based in Vilnius, Lithuania. We specialize in accessories intended for the safety and comfort of truck drivers

When did you start the business?
I have been working at Ena LT since 2015

What difficulties have you encountered in your business?
Each sector presents its own difficulties. I believe that, in our market, the most challenging part is communicating to fleet owners that comfort and safety are one and the same.

When did you start working with Viesa Kompressor III?
We started promoting it in 2018 and have now become partners

Why do you think it is important to equip trucks with parking air conditioners?
As previously mentioned, comfort and safety must be the priority in a fleet that operates trucks. The parking air conditioner ensures drivers rest after a long day of driving. Driving without resting in the fresh air can lead to dangerous situations. Furthermore, the economic savings for fleets are notable and the product is very eco-friendly

A sentence that describes you?
A positive mind finds opportunity in every circumstance