Viesa Kompressor III in Poland

We are pleased to introduce you to Jan Zalubski, owner of ZET Transport sp. z oo, the parent company of our distributor Truck Partner

We are pleased to introduce you to Jan Zalubski , owner of ZET Transport sp. z oo , the parent company of our distributor Truck Partner

Who are you?
My name is Jan Zalubski and I manage ZET Transport, a company with over 25 years of experience on the European market and a staff of over 500 people. We operate on road transport in Europe and Western Asia and serving the Air Cargo sector.

When did you start with this job?
I launched the company, together with my father and brother, in 1993.

What difficulties have you encountered in your business?
I never see obstacles, I only see opportunities.

When did you start working with Viesa Kompressor III?
We installed the first Viesa Kompressor III units in September 2018.

Why do you think it is important for trucks to be equipped for air conditioning while parking?
Our drivers do a tiring and demanding job. I think it is our responsibility to provide them with the best support in their daily work activities as well as during moments of rest. The parking air conditioner is a tool that makes work more comfortable and safer and we consider it indispensable on board our trucks.

A sentence that describes you?
Always be enthusiastic in everything you do!